martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Week 7: Quizlet and Excell

 (14/12/15- 18/12/15)

In the theory class of this week  we have learnt how to use Quizlet. 

Quizlet is a free website that provides learning tools for teachers, including flashcards, study and game modes. It allows us to create our own study sets with terms and definitions we want to teach our studients, so it is really useful to teach vocabulary. In addition, we have free access to millions of study sets that have been already created by other teachers around the world. It is really easy to use, and very motivating for the students.

We can use this website to work vocabulary, creating flashcards. We can use this flashcards in two ways:

1.Traditionally: Printing them and using them in the classroom

 We can print the exercise we have created, and we have different options:
  • Table 
  • Glossary
  • Small
  • Large 
  • Index cards

2. Online: Using them in the web. We have different options: 
  • Flashcard: They can see the images and in the other side the words.
  • Learn: The image is presented and students have to type the word.
  • Speller: They have to type what they hear, so they work litsening comprenhension of the words.
  • Test: this section is to create an exam
  • Scatter: This is a game where students have to match the written language and the image. Once they have done it correctly the word and the image will disappear. 
  • Gravity: This is a game in which there are some asteroids having the images, that are going to fall into the earth. Before asteroids go down the students have to type the vocabulary to make them desapear. If the asteroid crashes, the game stops and the website teaches them how they have to write the word.
In conclusion, Quizlet is a very useful platform for teachers that can give them lots of ideas on how to work vocabulary with their students. In addition, teachers around the world can upload their lessons so other teacher can use them whenever they want. Is really easy to use, and its completely free.

In this theoretical lesson we have also learnt how to use microsoft excell for assessment purposes. I find excell a very useful tool to evaluate student, as with this program you are able to create tables where you can put all the evaluation criteria. It is possible to insert the mathematical operations you need to evaluate, so it can make the process of assessment much easier and faster. 

It might be quite tricky to use at first, but as long as you understand how it works it is very easy.

In the practice class, we have learnt how to use Survey Monkey, Podomatic and Audacity. 

Survey Monkey is a free tool for making easy Surveys, that can be really helpful in order to get information and have it classified and make stadistics. It provides us free customizable surveys, where we can create online exams for our students including different types of questions. The most useful thing is that we can recieve inmediate feedback, allowing us to evaluate student´s knowledge. 

 Podomatic is a virtual platform where you can upload Podcasts and have them classified. This website allows users to create, share and search podcasts about many different topics. 

I already knew some platforms that offer similar possibilities as survey monkey, and I had basic knowledge about how to use excell. For that reason, the thing that I´ve found the most interesting and that I´ve liked the most between all the things done this week is Quizlet. I think I will use it a lot in the future with my students.

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