In this first week of the subject, we have been introduced to what the course is going to be about. We have met the teachers and have been informed about the evaluation criteria and how the subject is going to develop.
As an introduction we have been working on the concept of Digital Competence, differentiating its five main dimensions and what do they mean.
In order to do so, we have analyzed different documents, such as the DIGICOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe.
Digital Competence is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required when using ICT and digital media to perform tasks such as solving problems, communicating and managing information, collaborating, creating and sharing content, and building knowledge.
Each team worked on a specific part of the competence, to prepare a presentation explaining it. Our group analyzed the "Problem solving competence". The result can be seen in this video:
Here you can see the final presentation explaining the competence.
Through the reading "Technological change and future of CALL" by Mark Warschauer, we have learned about basic concepts such as CALL, VLE or PLE.
Regarding to the last one, PLE´s are systems that allow students to take control of their own learning.
In order to create our PLE, we have been introduced in the Symbaloo platform, where we will be from now adding all the resources and webpages we use to learn, and for personal purposes.
This is my initial Symbaloo:
This week has been an introduction to the subject, that has allowed us to get in contact with some basic concepts regarding to New Technologies. The thing i´ve found the most interesting is discovering the platform of Symbaloo. It is really useful, because it allows me to have all my resources organized in just one website. Its a great way for classifying all the web pages I use normally, and all the interesting resources I may need to use one day.
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